
2022 Budapest, Mai Manó Ház

Punkt leirás és rövid video!

-2022 április 27 - junius 5.

Minyó: First Rolls, Mai Manó ház / Paperlab galéria

A Budapest Fotofesztivál programjában.

A few word about the exhibition in english:

The first rolls ever taken by Károly Minyó Szert (1955), Rudolf Balogh Prize-winning artist, were made in Syria & are a documentation of his acquaintance with the genre of photography and a still foreign culture. The pictures, taken in Damascus and Palmyra in 1973, show the buildings and figures of a world still unscathed by war, as seen through the eyes of an 18-year-old boy. His works, which have been lying in a drawer for almost fifty years, are now on display for the first time on the walls of the PaperLab gallery. Minyó Szert Károly is represented by AnzenbergerGallery in Vienna and exhibits regularly in Hungary and abroad.